Mobility Club x Transdev event: IA & Mobility

Reading time 2 mn.
Posted on 26.09.23
Mobility Club x Transdev x bpi France

On Tuesday, September 26th, the Mobility Club by Via ID will gather its members for an exclusive event focused on IA & Mobility.  

For several years now, artificial intelligence has held out the promise of profound changes for all economic agents, and in particular significant productivity gains. The emergence of generative AI (ChatGPT, Midjourney, etc.) seems to be a game changer, and is rapidly being adopted by major sectors of the economy. But will it really be the case for the public transport industry ?

The aim of the Transdev x Mobility Club event will first be to clarify what artificial intelligence actually is (precise definition, limits, potential, etc.). We will then seek to identify some major hypothesis for the real medium- and long-term impact of AI on Transdev’s activities, first from the angle of human resources, then on the activities that make up the day-to-day life of a public transport operator (event in english 🇬🇧).

Since 2023, the Mobility Club has welcomed Transdev among its members. We are proud to support this key player in the mobility sector in its innovation challenges! With the aim of helping them understand new trends in mobility.


  • 17:00pm – 17:30pm: Welcome & Networking
  • 17:30pm – 18:00pm: Keynote on AI & Generative AI
  • 18:00pm – 18:35pm: Round Table “AI & People: what impact can we expect on the way we work, and we recruit?” + Q&A session
  • 18:35pm – 19:10pm: Round Table ”AI & Operations: what opportunities can we anticipate improving daily services and performance?” + Q&A session
  • 19:10pm – 20:30pm: Cocktail & Networking

📍 Where? At Bpifrance le hub!

**Limited number of seats**

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