The future of mobility infrastructures, the infographics!

Reading time 1 mn.
Posted on 20.10.21
Mobility insights
The future of mobility infrastructures, the infographics!

In September, we explored the future of mobility infrastructures with 3 mobility experts.

Throughout the month, we hosted different Talks with:
– Etienne Gaudin, Operations Director at Colas (Replay)
– Axel Lambert, Project Manager at Club des Villes & Territoires Cyclables (Replay)
– Benoit Yameundjeu, Excutive Director at Smoove-Zoov (Replay)

Based on all the great insights we gathered thanks to our experts, we’re happy to present you the Mobility Club infographics about the future of mobility infrastructures!

L'avenir des infrastructures de mobilité, l'infographie ! 6