The life of an entrepreneur is a marathon in which you sometimes have to sprint!
Via ID innovates and launches a new incubation program: Summer Sprint, 12 weeks to structure your project and move to the next step.
At the heart of Via ID, the reference startup gas pedal in mobility, join a rich, demanding and structuring program that will bring you both theoretical and practical content, qualified contacts and visibility.
Value proposition, user experience, prototyping, business model, commercialization, pitch and leadership will be addressed throughout the weeks. Once you cross the finish line, you will have the chance to participate in a Demo Day with the Via ID ecosystem (startups, corporate, mobility investors…).
What will be the ingredients of the Summer Sprint program?
- Exchanges between peers, mobility entrepreneurs
- Networking: you will meet the Via ID team, its accelerated startups, the Mobility Club members, the partners of the ecosystem
- Visibility via communications on our various networks
- Pace and density of exchanges
- Precise follow-up
- Relevant and concrete workshops
Why participate in the Summer Sprint program?
Within a group of entrepreneurs, you will transform your idea into a complete project, structured and validated by its stakeholders.
The program will give you the keys to confront your idea with its reality, adapt it to the constraints of execution and make it a viable business.
Upon completion of the program, you will be able to take a new step in the development of your project: either towards prototyping or marketing.
Who is it for?
Via ID is looking for “early stage” project leaders who have already thought about a concept, who may have a prototype, but no sales yet. They come to this program to find the keys to :
- validate their value proposition
- acquire their first customers/users
What kind of compensation is required?
This program is free, with no equity investment.
However, it requires availability during these 12 weeks: motivation, involvement and active participation in the workshops which will take place on Tuesdays in Paris. The rest of the time the program will be followed remotely.
The principles of the program
The selection is demanding since only 5 projects will have the opportunity to follow it. It also requires a real involvement from the entrepreneurs who follow it.
Efficiency: In only 3 months, the incubates will have worked on the major subjects of the life of a startup, allowing them to take a key step in their development.
Structuring: It is a program that helps to structure the project, to move forward and prepare for the future: the realization of the prototype or the marketing.
Relevance : The pedagogy is led by the Via ID team and by members of the mobility ecosystem (startups, corporates, entrepreneurs), they are the ones who are best able to respond to your sectoral issues!