Dear mobility enthusiast and Mobility Club members,
European CVC Activity in Mobility Tech Startups was quite focused on relatively young startups in November! Here are the main takeaways:
- 12 deals identified
- €964M invested (2 deals with an undisclosed amount), 7 deals < €10m
- France ranks 1st in terms of deals
- The AutoTech segment has the most deals
Let’s explore the top 3:
Ionity raised €700M:
- The EV startup was founded in 2017 by BMW, Volkswagen, Ford, and Daimler and in the meantime joined by Hyundai Kia Group
- As of today, Ionity has 1.5K charging points, and plans to install 7K charging points by 2025 thanks to the funding
- Part of its expansion plan comprises owning and operating services stations for drivers
Motorway landed €167,62M:
- The UK-based startup reached unicorn status with
- Motorway offers a platform allowing professional car dealers bid in an auctions cars that are privately-owned
- Thanks to its fully-digital process, the startup attracted 4K professional car dealers, 100K used cars has been sold through the platform raised €17.6M:
- The Austrian-based startup develops an Earth-replica technology
- M12, the CVC of Microsoft is involved in the round, developed Microsoft’s Flight Simulator
- The startups is into the promising “digital-twin” market, which have lots of potential use cases
Congrats to the startups: Eatron, Travis Road Services, VelyVelo, Zembo, Scuter, Vianova, Carbookr, Avocargo, &Charge
Seems interesting? Happy to connect: [email protected]
Vincent Cabanel