Generative AI & carmakers: the ChatGPT and Mercedes case study

ChatGPT x Mercedes

Mercedes-Benz takes a further step in integrating artificial intelligence into its well-known voice command system, “Hey Mercedes.” Since June 16th, ChatGPT has been assisting the voice control system in nearly 900,000 vehicles in the United States.

What is ChatGPT?

As a reminder, ChatGPT is an artificial intelligence system capable of automatically processing natural language. The AI utilizes advanced techniques to understand and generate text in response to specific queries. ChatGPT is also capable of engaging in interactive dialogues and answering a wide range of questions across various domains.

Mercedes-Benz’s Utilization of ChatGPT: Strengthening Vehicle Features

The Mercedes-Benz User Experience (MBUX) voice assistant has recently incorporated ChatGPT for a 3-month testing period. The goal is to strengthen and enhance the existing features of their next-generation vehicles.

During this phase, Mercedes developers will analyze the requests made by drivers while behind the wheel. This integration is being tested in a beta version available exclusively in the American market, utilizing Microsoft Azure’s OpenAI service for AI. Mercedes aims to differentiate itself from other major manufacturers like BMW, who employ the Alexa voice assistant.

ChatGPT x MBUX: Improved Conversations and Interactions

The MBUX assistant already provides users with access to weather information, sports results, and the ability to control smart homes. The integration of ChatGPT aims to make conversations and dialogues with the Mercedes assistant more natural.

Drivers will even be able to engage in conversations with the virtual assistant, allowing them, for example, to request additional details about their destination or even create recipes before going grocery shopping.